Documenting social vulnerabilities, developmental shifts, and sea-ice change at four Arctic sites

Samantha Hash, McKenzie Bennett, Kaylarendha Sundling

The arctic is changing rapidly, with sea ice being one of the fastest changing aspects that directly impacts both indigenous communities that depend on sea ice for subsistence as well as Western developers looking for ways to navigate this change. The resilience of the arctic is one of the most important examples of sustainability in the face of climate change today; while the arctic is home to endangered species and millions of people, it is also one of the greatest-impacted spots of global warming in the world. As the face of the arctic changes, as does the patterns of humanity socially, economically, and environmentally. Our individual projects seek to analyze distinct factors in four different communities: cruise tourism, narrative creation surrounding sea-ice change, and policy creation. We will show how ostensibly separate factors interact and influence one another as stakeholders adapt to the new arctic.
