Open Science: Best Practices, Data Sovereignty and Co-production Booklet

Andrew Barrett, Amber E. Budden, S. Jeanette Clark, Natasha Haycock-Chavez, Noor Johnson, Matthew B. Jones, Peter Pulsifer, James Temte, Karli Tyance Hassell.

These materials reflect a collaboration between the Arctic Data Center, the Navigating the New Arctic Community Office, and ELOKA as part of our organizational commitments to raising awareness and promoting best practices in data management, increasing data literacy, and engaging the community in conversations about data governance. These materials are associated with a workshop presented as part of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2022.


Andrew Barrett, Amber E. Budden, S. Jeanette Clark, Natasha Haycock-Chavez, Noor Johnson, Matthew B. Jones, Peter Pulsifer, James Temte, Karli Tyance Hassell. 2022. Open Science: Best Practices, Data Sovereignty and Co-production.