Methodological sensitivities for co-producing knowledge through enduring trustful partnerships
Greenaway, A., H. Hohaia, E. Le Heron, R. Le Heron, A. Grant, G. Diprose, N. Kirk, and W. Allen
The authors of this article reflect on co-production efforts in Aotearoa New Zealand, describing the learning process for non-Maori to address power asymmetries and learn to be manuhiri (those being welcomed on arrival to a place by the Indigenous people of that place). The authors contribute a set of “methodological sensitivities” to support co-production.
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Greenaway, A., H. Hohaia, E. Le Heron, R. Le Heron, A. Grant, G. Diprose, N. Kirk, and W. Allen, 2022: Methodological sensitivities for co-producing knowledge through enduring trustful partnerships. Sustain. Sci., 17, 433–447,