“Our ice, snow and winds”: From knowledge integration to co-production in the Russian SIKU project, 2007–2013

Igor Krupnik and Lyudmila S. Bogoslovskaya

This paper explores the story of Russia SIKU (sea ice knowledge and use) project, a local and international effort on knowledge documentation and co-production with Indigenous knowledge related to sea ice and climate change. The Russia SIKU team also worked with agency managers, science planners and scientists to prioritize Indigenous knowledge and culture in science activities. Russia SIKU produced 5 dictionaries of ice, sea, weather and snow nomenclature in three local languages.


Krupnik, I., & Bogoslovskaya, L. S. (2017). Our ice, snow and winds”: From knowledge integration to co-production in the Russian SIKU project, 2007–2013. Oral History Meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien, 31-48.